Events Diary
April 2025
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 1 Apr 10:00am - 11:00amVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 1 from 10.00-11.00
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 1 Apr 11:15am - 12:15pmVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 2 from 11.15 – 12.15
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Read & Reminisce
Wed 2 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Watermark Library Room, Erme Court, Ivybridge,
This is a small open group of people that gather to share a cuppa and listen to some stories and poems that are read out loud by the group leaders.Memories are often triggered by this, and shared if people wish. A small voluntary contribution to refreshments is appreciated. Text is provided for those that wish to follow the reading and an opportunity is offered for those that wish to join in the reading out loud, but just listening is fine also. The group is kept small 8-10 people but occasionally vacancies arise. Please contact Sue Pengilley before coming to discuss the availability and suitability of the sessions.
Sue Pengilley
01752 896444
Walking Group - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Wed 2 Apr 10:30amVenue: Meet in car park at end of Barton Close, Wembury
Inclusive walking group welcomes people living with dementia. The walk will be social, short, gentle and ideal if you don’t do much walking. ‘It’s an amble not a ramble’. The group meets every Wednesday morning from 10.30am at Barton Close Car Park in Wembury. An opportunity to talk and catch up in the fresh air, so good for our well-being.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Friendsday Wednesday Club from South Brent & District Caring
Wed 2 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Old School Community Centre, Totnes Road, South Brent, TQ10 9BP
Our Friends Day Wednesday group is particularly Dementia Friendly. We meet every Wednesday afternoon for drinks and a chat. This group includes a Memory Cafe and Carers Support group., and welcomes those with cognitive, memory issues or living with dementia and their carers/family members. We offer games, chat, craft, singing/music events, jigsaws, anything people want to do, we celebrate each others birthdays and one of our members does a quiz. Cuppas and biscuits with cake on birthdays!
South Brent & District Caring
01364 700282 or drop in 10 - 12 to enquire
Listen & Laugh Group (Reading) - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Thu 3 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Yealmpton Parish Room
An inclusive, shared Listen & Laugh Group – There is a £2.00 charge towards refreshments and room hire. Fun, friendship and laughter in bucket loads. Remembering and sharing together favourite stories and poems. You can listen, reminisce and enjoy the laughter, fun and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. The group meets every Thursday morning from 10.30 to 12 noon in the Parish Room, Bakery Square in Yealmpton.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Conversation Works - Ivybridge Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Thu 3 Apr 1:30pm - 3:30pmVenue: St John's Hall, Blatchford Road, Ivybridge, PL21 0AD
There is now an Ivybridge Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) group, set up by Katherine Bailey of Conversation Works. It runs from 1:30pm to 3:30pm every Thursday afternoon. CST involves activities to stimulate the brain, conversation and laughter and helps slow cognitive decline. If you are interested in understanding the benefits of CST and if it is for you, a family member or you care for someone, then contact Katherine Bailey on the the details provided and she will give advice and support. You can alway try a session to see it's benefits.
Katherine Bailey
07899 993134
Totnes Caring - Memory Cafe
Thu 3 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Totnes Boating Association, Steamer Quay Rd, Totnes, TQ9 5AL.
The Totnes Memory Café provides the opportunity for people with memory problems and their carers to meet socially with others. At the Café you can chat and share experiences and information in a safe, friendly, supportive environment. If you wish, you can also join activities including singing, music, and games.
Dementia Services Co-ordinator
01803 865 684
Dementia Friendly Parishes - Carer's Catch Up
Fri 4 Apr 2:00pm - 3:30pmVenue: Methodist Church Hall, Yealmpton PL8 2LZ
Are you caring for someone living with dementia and/or other conditions? If so, come and join us at our friendly, supportive and relaxed get-together. Why not come along and share ideas, tips and your company over a cuppa and cake? The person you care for is very welcome to attend too.
07450 206312
Monday Coffee Morning - South Brent Caring
Mon 7 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring coffee mornings are a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the company. The coffee morning will run every Monday except on bank holidays. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Monday Lunch Club - South Brent Caring
Mon 7 Apr 12:00pm - 1:30pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring Monday Lunch Club is a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the lunch and the company. The Monday Lunch Club is open to everyone but please ring to book on the number listed below. The menus include soups, salads and puddings, during the winter followed by a raffle and sweet. Suggested donation of £5 or free if you need it to be. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Monday Lunch Club - South Brent Caring
Mon 7 Apr 12:00pm - 3:00pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring Monday Lunch Club is a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the lunch and the company. The Monday Lunch Club is open to everyone but please ring to book on the number listed below. The menus include soups, salads and puddings, during the winter followed by a raffle and sweet. Suggested donation of £5 or free if you need it to be. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 8 Apr 10:00am - 11:00amVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 1 from 10.00-11.00
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 8 Apr 11:15am - 12:15pmVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 2 from 11.15 – 12.15
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Walking Group - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Wed 9 Apr 10:30amVenue: Meet in car park at end of Barton Close, Wembury
Inclusive walking group welcomes people living with dementia. The walk will be social, short, gentle and ideal if you don’t do much walking. ‘It’s an amble not a ramble’. The group meets every Wednesday morning from 10.30am at Barton Close Car Park in Wembury. An opportunity to talk and catch up in the fresh air, so good for our well-being.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Read & Reminisce
Wed 9 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Watermark Library Room, Erme Court, Ivybridge,
This is a small open group of people that gather to share a cuppa and listen to some stories and poems that are read out loud by the group leaders.Memories are often triggered by this, and shared if people wish. A small voluntary contribution to refreshments is appreciated. Text is provided for those that wish to follow the reading and an opportunity is offered for those that wish to join in the reading out loud, but just listening is fine also. The group is kept small 8-10 people but occasionally vacancies arise. Please contact Sue Pengilley before coming to discuss the availability and suitability of the sessions.
Sue Pengilley
01752 896444
Friendsday Wednesday Club from South Brent & District Caring
Wed 9 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Old School Community Centre, Totnes Road, South Brent, TQ10 9BP
Our Friends Day Wednesday group is particularly Dementia Friendly. We meet every Wednesday afternoon for drinks and a chat. This group includes a Memory Cafe and Carers Support group., and welcomes those with cognitive, memory issues or living with dementia and their carers/family members. We offer games, chat, craft, singing/music events, jigsaws, anything people want to do, we celebrate each others birthdays and one of our members does a quiz. Cuppas and biscuits with cake on birthdays!
South Brent & District Caring
01364 700282 or drop in 10 - 12 to enquire
Listen & Laugh Group (Reading) - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Thu 10 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Yealmpton Parish Room
An inclusive, shared Listen & Laugh Group – There is a £2.00 charge towards refreshments and room hire. Fun, friendship and laughter in bucket loads. Remembering and sharing together favourite stories and poems. You can listen, reminisce and enjoy the laughter, fun and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. The group meets every Thursday morning from 10.30 to 12 noon in the Parish Room, Bakery Square in Yealmpton.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Conversation Works - Ivybridge Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Thu 10 Apr 1:30pm - 3:30pmVenue: St John's Hall, Blatchford Road, Ivybridge, PL21 0AD
There is now an Ivybridge Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) group, set up by Katherine Bailey of Conversation Works. It runs from 1:30pm to 3:30pm every Thursday afternoon. CST involves activities to stimulate the brain, conversation and laughter and helps slow cognitive decline. If you are interested in understanding the benefits of CST and if it is for you, a family member or you care for someone, then contact Katherine Bailey on the the details provided and she will give advice and support. You can alway try a session to see it's benefits.
Katherine Bailey
07899 993134
Totnes Caring - Memory Cafe
Thu 10 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Totnes Boating Association, Steamer Quay Rd, Totnes, TQ9 5AL.
The Totnes Memory Café provides the opportunity for people with memory problems and their carers to meet socially with others. At the Café you can chat and share experiences and information in a safe, friendly, supportive environment. If you wish, you can also join activities including singing, music, and games.
Dementia Services Co-ordinator
01803 865 684
Coffee & Chat
Fri 11 Apr 2:00pm - 3:30pmVenue: Rose and Crown, Yealmpton
Come along and meet us for a coffee & chat. It´s a chance to meet old friends and make new ones. A friendly welcome awaits for everyone including carers. The second Friday of each month at 2:00-3:30pm in The Rose and Crown, Yealmpton, PL8 2EB.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Monday Coffee Morning - South Brent Caring
Mon 14 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring coffee mornings are a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the company. The coffee morning will run every Monday except on bank holidays. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Monday Lunch Club - South Brent Caring
Mon 14 Apr 12:00pm - 1:30pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring Monday Lunch Club is a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the lunch and the company. The Monday Lunch Club is open to everyone but please ring to book on the number listed below. The menus include soups, salads and puddings, during the winter followed by a raffle and sweet. Suggested donation of £5 or free if you need it to be. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Monday Lunch Club - South Brent Caring
Mon 14 Apr 12:00pm - 3:00pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring Monday Lunch Club is a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the lunch and the company. The Monday Lunch Club is open to everyone but please ring to book on the number listed below. The menus include soups, salads and puddings, during the winter followed by a raffle and sweet. Suggested donation of £5 or free if you need it to be. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 15 Apr 10:00am - 11:00amVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 1 from 10.00-11.00
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 15 Apr 11:15am - 12:15pmVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 2 from 11.15 – 12.15
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Buckfastleigh Memory Café - Travel By Steam Train
Tue 15 Apr 3:30pm - 5:00pmVenue: South Devon Railway, Dart Bridge Road, Buckfastleigh - TQ11 0DZ
Travel by steam train through the Devon countryside with South Devon Railway with refreshments and support provided. This is a safe and welcoming space for local people with memory problems and those that care for them. -- Donation Only --. Please note that during the winter months the Memory café is held in a carriage in a sidings due to the Christmas Steam Railway schedule and track maintenance. Please contact Katherine for information, especially if it is your first time.
Katherine Bailey
07899 993134
Read & Reminisce
Wed 16 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Watermark Library Room, Erme Court, Ivybridge,
This is a small open group of people that gather to share a cuppa and listen to some stories and poems that are read out loud by the group leaders.Memories are often triggered by this, and shared if people wish. A small voluntary contribution to refreshments is appreciated. Text is provided for those that wish to follow the reading and an opportunity is offered for those that wish to join in the reading out loud, but just listening is fine also. The group is kept small 8-10 people but occasionally vacancies arise. Please contact Sue Pengilley before coming to discuss the availability and suitability of the sessions.
Sue Pengilley
01752 896444
Walking Group - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Wed 16 Apr 10:30amVenue: Meet in car park at end of Barton Close, Wembury
Inclusive walking group welcomes people living with dementia. The walk will be social, short, gentle and ideal if you don’t do much walking. ‘It’s an amble not a ramble’. The group meets every Wednesday morning from 10.30am at Barton Close Car Park in Wembury. An opportunity to talk and catch up in the fresh air, so good for our well-being.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Friendsday Wednesday Club from South Brent & District Caring
Wed 16 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Old School Community Centre, Totnes Road, South Brent, TQ10 9BP
Our Friends Day Wednesday group is particularly Dementia Friendly. We meet every Wednesday afternoon for drinks and a chat. This group includes a Memory Cafe and Carers Support group., and welcomes those with cognitive, memory issues or living with dementia and their carers/family members. We offer games, chat, craft, singing/music events, jigsaws, anything people want to do, we celebrate each others birthdays and one of our members does a quiz. Cuppas and biscuits with cake on birthdays!
South Brent & District Caring
01364 700282 or drop in 10 - 12 to enquire
Listen & Laugh Group (Reading) - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Thu 17 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Yealmpton Parish Room
An inclusive, shared Listen & Laugh Group – There is a £2.00 charge towards refreshments and room hire. Fun, friendship and laughter in bucket loads. Remembering and sharing together favourite stories and poems. You can listen, reminisce and enjoy the laughter, fun and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. The group meets every Thursday morning from 10.30 to 12 noon in the Parish Room, Bakery Square in Yealmpton.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Conversation Works - Ivybridge Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Thu 17 Apr 1:30pm - 3:30pmVenue: St John's Hall, Blatchford Road, Ivybridge, PL21 0AD
There is now an Ivybridge Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) group, set up by Katherine Bailey of Conversation Works. It runs from 1:30pm to 3:30pm every Thursday afternoon. CST involves activities to stimulate the brain, conversation and laughter and helps slow cognitive decline. If you are interested in understanding the benefits of CST and if it is for you, a family member or you care for someone, then contact Katherine Bailey on the the details provided and she will give advice and support. You can alway try a session to see it's benefits.
Katherine Bailey
07899 993134
Totnes Caring - Memory Cafe
Thu 17 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Totnes Boating Association, Steamer Quay Rd, Totnes, TQ9 5AL.
The Totnes Memory Café provides the opportunity for people with memory problems and their carers to meet socially with others. At the Café you can chat and share experiences and information in a safe, friendly, supportive environment. If you wish, you can also join activities including singing, music, and games.
Dementia Services Co-ordinator
01803 865 684
Singing Along - Community Singing with the Brixton Village-Airs
Fri 18 Apr 2:00pm - 3:30pmVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Our singalong is held on the third Friday of every month. Come along and join in singing your favourite tunes and lyrics led by the Brixton Village- 2.00 – 3.30 pm at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Everyone is welcome. £3.00 charge including refreshments
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Monday Coffee Morning - South Brent Caring
Mon 21 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring coffee mornings are a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the company. The coffee morning will run every Monday except on bank holidays. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Monday Lunch Club - South Brent Caring
Mon 21 Apr 12:00pm - 1:30pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring Monday Lunch Club is a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the lunch and the company. The Monday Lunch Club is open to everyone but please ring to book on the number listed below. The menus include soups, salads and puddings, during the winter followed by a raffle and sweet. Suggested donation of £5 or free if you need it to be. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Monday Lunch Club - South Brent Caring
Mon 21 Apr 12:00pm - 3:00pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring Monday Lunch Club is a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the lunch and the company. The Monday Lunch Club is open to everyone but please ring to book on the number listed below. The menus include soups, salads and puddings, during the winter followed by a raffle and sweet. Suggested donation of £5 or free if you need it to be. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 22 Apr 10:00am - 11:00amVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 1 from 10.00-11.00
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 22 Apr 11:15am - 12:15pmVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 2 from 11.15 – 12.15
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Walking Group - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Wed 23 Apr 10:30amVenue: Meet in car park at end of Barton Close, Wembury
Inclusive walking group welcomes people living with dementia. The walk will be social, short, gentle and ideal if you don’t do much walking. ‘It’s an amble not a ramble’. The group meets every Wednesday morning from 10.30am at Barton Close Car Park in Wembury. An opportunity to talk and catch up in the fresh air, so good for our well-being.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Read & Reminisce
Wed 23 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Watermark Library Room, Erme Court, Ivybridge,
This is a small open group of people that gather to share a cuppa and listen to some stories and poems that are read out loud by the group leaders.Memories are often triggered by this, and shared if people wish. A small voluntary contribution to refreshments is appreciated. Text is provided for those that wish to follow the reading and an opportunity is offered for those that wish to join in the reading out loud, but just listening is fine also. The group is kept small 8-10 people but occasionally vacancies arise. Please contact Sue Pengilley before coming to discuss the availability and suitability of the sessions.
Sue Pengilley
01752 896444
Friendsday Wednesday Club from South Brent & District Caring
Wed 23 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Old School Community Centre, Totnes Road, South Brent, TQ10 9BP
Our Friends Day Wednesday group is particularly Dementia Friendly. We meet every Wednesday afternoon for drinks and a chat. This group includes a Memory Cafe and Carers Support group., and welcomes those with cognitive, memory issues or living with dementia and their carers/family members. We offer games, chat, craft, singing/music events, jigsaws, anything people want to do, we celebrate each others birthdays and one of our members does a quiz. Cuppas and biscuits with cake on birthdays!
South Brent & District Caring
01364 700282 or drop in 10 - 12 to enquire
Listen & Laugh Group (Reading) - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Thu 24 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Yealmpton Parish Room
An inclusive, shared Listen & Laugh Group – There is a £2.00 charge towards refreshments and room hire. Fun, friendship and laughter in bucket loads. Remembering and sharing together favourite stories and poems. You can listen, reminisce and enjoy the laughter, fun and chat over a cup of tea or coffee. The group meets every Thursday morning from 10.30 to 12 noon in the Parish Room, Bakery Square in Yealmpton.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Conversation Works - Ivybridge Cognitive Stimulation Therapy
Thu 24 Apr 1:30pm - 3:30pmVenue: St John's Hall, Blatchford Road, Ivybridge, PL21 0AD
There is now an Ivybridge Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) group, set up by Katherine Bailey of Conversation Works. It runs from 1:30pm to 3:30pm every Thursday afternoon. CST involves activities to stimulate the brain, conversation and laughter and helps slow cognitive decline. If you are interested in understanding the benefits of CST and if it is for you, a family member or you care for someone, then contact Katherine Bailey on the the details provided and she will give advice and support. You can alway try a session to see it's benefits.
Katherine Bailey
07899 993134
Totnes Caring - Memory Cafe
Thu 24 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Totnes Boating Association, Steamer Quay Rd, Totnes, TQ9 5AL.
The Totnes Memory Café provides the opportunity for people with memory problems and their carers to meet socially with others. At the Café you can chat and share experiences and information in a safe, friendly, supportive environment. If you wish, you can also join activities including singing, music, and games.
Dementia Services Co-ordinator
01803 865 684
The Monday Club
Mon 28 Apr 10:30am - 12:30pmVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
An informal monthly meet up with an emphasis on friendship and fun while perhaps doing an activity of your own choice. Meeting once a month in Yealmpton Methodist Church from 10.30 – 12.30 on the last Monday morning of each month. Note: between January and June this group will be working with 'Life on the Edge' making handicrafts inspired by nature provided by the South Devon National Landscape.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Monday Coffee Morning - South Brent Caring
Mon 28 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring coffee mornings are a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the company. The coffee morning will run every Monday except on bank holidays. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Monday Lunch Club - South Brent Caring
Mon 28 Apr 12:00pm - 3:00pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring Monday Lunch Club is a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the lunch and the company. The Monday Lunch Club is open to everyone but please ring to book on the number listed below. The menus include soups, salads and puddings, during the winter followed by a raffle and sweet. Suggested donation of £5 or free if you need it to be. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Monday Lunch Club - South Brent Caring
Mon 28 Apr 12:00pm - 1:30pmVenue: The Old School Community Centre
The South Brent Caring Monday Lunch Club is a great way to get together with friends and make new ones! So why not come along and enjoy the lunch and the company. The Monday Lunch Club is open to everyone but please ring to book on the number listed below. The menus include soups, salads and puddings, during the winter followed by a raffle and sweet. Suggested donation of £5 or free if you need it to be. If you need transport to and from this activity event, just call South Brent Caring on the number listed below, in advance and they will do their best to arrange it for you.
South Brent and District Caring Office
01364 700282
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 29 Apr 10:00am - 11:00amVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 1 from 10.00-11.00
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Gentle Exercise - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Tue 29 Apr 11:15am - 12:15pmVenue: Yealmpton Methodist Hall
Inclusive gentle exercise group - £5.00 per session (first session free). Everyone is welcome to this fun mixture of seated/standing exercises/movements to music, tailored to improve flexibility, strength and balance. Delivered by our friendly and experienced registered physiotherapists who can offer advice if required. Every Tuesday morning at Yealmpton Methodist Church Hall. Session 2 from 11.15 – 12.15
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Walking Group - Dementia Friendly Parishes
Wed 30 Apr 10:30amVenue: Meet in car park at end of Barton Close, Wembury
Inclusive walking group welcomes people living with dementia. The walk will be social, short, gentle and ideal if you don’t do much walking. ‘It’s an amble not a ramble’. The group meets every Wednesday morning from 10.30am at Barton Close Car Park in Wembury. An opportunity to talk and catch up in the fresh air, so good for our well-being.
Community Development Lead
07450 206312
Read & Reminisce
Wed 30 Apr 10:30am - 12:00pmVenue: Watermark Library Room, Erme Court, Ivybridge,
This is a small open group of people that gather to share a cuppa and listen to some stories and poems that are read out loud by the group leaders.Memories are often triggered by this, and shared if people wish. A small voluntary contribution to refreshments is appreciated. Text is provided for those that wish to follow the reading and an opportunity is offered for those that wish to join in the reading out loud, but just listening is fine also. The group is kept small 8-10 people but occasionally vacancies arise. Please contact Sue Pengilley before coming to discuss the availability and suitability of the sessions.
Sue Pengilley
01752 896444
Friendsday Wednesday Club from South Brent & District Caring
Wed 30 Apr 2:00pm - 4:00pmVenue: Old School Community Centre, Totnes Road, South Brent, TQ10 9BP
Our Friends Day Wednesday group is particularly Dementia Friendly. We meet every Wednesday afternoon for drinks and a chat. This group includes a Memory Cafe and Carers Support group., and welcomes those with cognitive, memory issues or living with dementia and their carers/family members. We offer games, chat, craft, singing/music events, jigsaws, anything people want to do, we celebrate each others birthdays and one of our members does a quiz. Cuppas and biscuits with cake on birthdays!
South Brent & District Caring
01364 700282 or drop in 10 - 12 to enquire