Building Dementia Friendly Communities

Working to build inclusive dementia friendly communities through our parish and town councils
A dementia friendly community is a city, town or village where people living with dementia and their families are understood, respected and supported, and confident they can continue to contribute to community life. In a dementia-friendly community, people will be aware of and understand dementia. People living with dementia will feel included and involved and have choice and control over their day-to-day lives.
"Rural local councils can build strong, vibrant, and resilient communities which deliver an ever-growing, more ambitious and innovative range of activities…" National Association of Local Councils Guidance
Town, parish councils and local groups, organisations and businesses can promote becoming inclusive dementia friendly communities by:
- Shaping communities and organisations around the views of people with dementia, their families and carers
- Challenging stigma and raising awareness
- Ensuring that all community activities are inclusive of people living with dementia
- Empowering people living with dementia and their families and recognising their contribution to community life
- Encouraging all community resources to consider the needs of people living with dementia in their planning and operations
- Formal and informal befrienders helping people living with dementia and their families, engage in community life
- Helping people living with dementia maintain independence by delivering community-based solutions
- Considering appropriate transport links
- Ensuring that all physical environments are easy to navigate
- Enabling businesses and services to respond positively and with respect to customers with dementia
Five simple steps to becoming dementia-friendly
- Sign up to become a Dementia Friend on the Alzheimer’s website
- Consider setting up sessions to raise dementia awareness for councillors and residents
- Ensure
that your council and community buildings are suitable for people
living with dementia using the Dementia Friendly Environment Checklist
- Set up community groups which are easily accessible for people living with dementia, such as walking, arts and crafts or singing
- Work with neighbouring communities to help promote becoming a dementia-friendly area