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SHCA - Report Into Social Isolation and Loneliness In the South Hams

South Hams Community Action has been undertaking an initial survey across the district to look at loneliness and isolation and also exploring the barriers to joining community activities and hobbies. They have also reviewed the types of activities people might like to see in their communities.
This report was undertaking over four months and is the first phase in understanding the needs of lonely and socially isolated residents in the South Hams.
Although not directly related to dementia the issues raised in the report highlight the same problems and concerns for people living with a diagnosis of dementia and the families and carers. Many suffer social isolation and loneliness, hence the need to work towards dementia friendly communities to support not just people living with dementia but all people in our communities no matter how small who maybe lonely and socially isolated. For communities to flourish residents need to respect and support each other.
Find out more about South Hams Community Action by going to their website.

Social Isolation And Loneliness In The South Hams (pdf)

South Hams Community Action

22nd May 2024

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Small steps make a big difference for people living with dementia and their families, carers and communities